Experiential tourism is becoming increasingly important and functional for thetravel industrywith a disruptive impact on the entire industry.

I modern travellers are no longer simply looking for places to visit, places to reach, but meaningful and authentic experiences that enrich their holidays and, why not, their lives.

In other words, the traveller no longer wants to be a mere passive spectator, but wants to play an active role as a protagonist of his journey, enjoying unique experiences, often outside the standardised schemes of the mass tourism.

What is meant by experiential tourism?

Experiential tourism goes beyond the classic holiday formula and focuses on deep interaction with the culture, history and nature of the place visited. The aim is to create indelible memories through engaging and authentic activities. When we talk about experiential tourismthat is, we refer to a form of travel centred on theacquisition of meaningful experiences rather than on visiting conventional tourist sites.
The aim is to interact deeply with the local culture, history, gastronomy and environment in order to enrich one's understanding of the world and create lasting memories. 

The Influence of Travel Bloggers: how to narrate a travel experience

The link that exists between experiential tourism and the figure of the travel blogger is now recognised and widespread. It is in fact the travel blogger who takes care of thespecial travel experience and specific, to tell the story through written, photographic and videographic content, using blog and social channels, with an appealing and personal appeal.

The role of the travel blogger is so fundamental, because it influences and shapes travellers' choices. 

In what way?

1. Inspiration and advice: Travel bloggers are often passionate travellers who share their personal adventures. Their stories and advice inspire anyone seeking out-of-the-ordinary experiences.

2. Authentic destinations: travel bloggers are dedicated to discovering hidden gems and lesser-known destinations, encouraging travellers to explore authentic places far from the usual tourist destinations.

3. Engaging stories: Through vivid photos, compelling videos and engaging narratives, the travel blogger make experiences tangible, virtually transporting their followers to the places they visit.

How to become an experiential tourist: travel tools

Embracing experiential tourism means first and foremost modify one's travel habitsThat is, it means abandoning the canonical and stereotypical ways of visiting places in order to learn to experience immersive experiences of a given destination.

Searching for this destination is an activity that is done by making the most of online channels, i.e. blogs and travel bloggers' videos. This helps travellers to get to know unusual places, far from the traditional tourist circuits.

Not only that: once you find your destination, it will be important to immerse yourself in the local culture, interacting with the community, attending events and savouring authentic cuisine.

Another aspect is the excursions, which should be unique, such as tours led by local experts or participation in local cultural events.

Sharing experiences is another crucial aspect: having a personal online space to share one's experiences can inspire others and contribute to create a community of experiential travellers.

Becoming a Travel Blogger

How does one become a travel blogger? Many people think that it is enough to be an eccentric traveller and move around a lot. In reality, this is not the case at all. Of the increasing number of digital travellers and writers, only a fraction actually become travel bloggers. This is because it is necessary to possess specific skills and to acquire, and demonstrate, skills that are also very transversal, ranging from the use of social networks to writing skills. from photographic skills to the use of tools and instruments for editing videos, not forgetting knowledge of at least English and an approach and attitude to travel, discovery and interaction with others, which are fully part of this role.

Want to become a professional travel blogger? Sign up for the course for Travel Bloggers and Content Creators organised by the European Tourism Institute.

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