The Gubbio Candle Festival is one of Umbria's oldest and most fascinating traditions. Celebrated every year on 15 MayThis event, which attracts thousands of tourists, is a hymn to the local culture, spirituality and history of Gubbio. The city, rich in artistic and architectural beauty, with its fascinating village with its fairytale atmosphere, offers a unique experience for visitors: a journey from history, through the folkloreIt goes all the way to the table.

History and origins of the Festa dei Ceri

The Feast of the Ceri has ancient origins, linked to the cult of Saint Ubaldopatron saint of Gubbio. La legend tradition dates back to the 12th century, after the saint's death in 1160. However, some scholars believe the origin may be pagan, linked to fertility and harvest propitiation rites.

During the festival, three large wooden structures, called Ceri, topped by the statues of St Ubaldo, St George and St Anthony, are carried through the streets of the city by groups of ceraioli. The climax of the event is the spectacular final run towards the Basilica of Sant'Ubaldo, on the summit of Monte Ingino.

Five places to visit in Gubbio

The Feast of the Ceri is an unmissable opportunity to immerse yourself in the village and visit some of its most characteristic sights. Among these, not to be missed are:

  1. Piazza Grandean iconic place in Gubbio, where the Ceri prepare before the race. The square offers a breathtaking view of the city and the Umbrian hills.
  2. Basilica of St. Ubaldo: final destination of the Corsa dei Ceri, is a place of devotion that holds the relics of the patron saint.
  3. Palazzo dei Consoli: one of the symbols of the city, houses the Civic Museum and offers an extraordinary view from its tower.
  4. Roman theatre: Evidence of Gubbio's ancient history, this open-air theatre dates back to the 1st century BC.
  5. Fountain of Fools: Tradition has it that anyone who completes three laps around this fountain can obtain a 'madman's licence', a pleasant ritual that amuses many tourists.

And since tourism also rhymes with food, here are some typical dishes to be tasted if you are visiting Gubbio during the Festa dei Ceri:

  1. Cresciaa typical focaccia similar to piadina, perfect with local cold meats and cheeses.
  2. Friccòa delicious meat stew, prepared with chicken, lamb or rabbit, and flavoured with white wine and tomato.
  3. Tagliatelle with truffles: homemade tagliatelle, seasoned with Umbria's prized black truffle.
  4. Torta al testo: a bread without yeast baked on a hot stone, often stuffed with ham and cheese.
  5. Wild boar braciole: a traditional meat dish, served with a rich sauce.
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