Wedding Planner Course


Milan, 18 November to 20 November 2024

The professional figure

The wedding planner takes care of the entire organisation of a wedding, from the planning and coordination of the event to the management of every single aspect of it. Born in America, this professional figure is now also very widespread in Italy, thanks also to the increase in the number of weddings during the year.

The wedding planner deals specifically with the proposal of the party location, the menu and the wedding banquet, the set-up and decoration of the spaces, the flowers, the bride and groom's and bridesmaids' and groomsmen's outfits, as well as the choice of wedding favours, church, catering, music, wedding theme colour, wedding invitations, tableau mariage, sugared almonds and every other detail.
A fundamental aspect of the wedding planner is the fact that this professional is entrusted with taking care of the whole atmosphere of the wedding, thus mediating between the dreamy aspects of the event and the purely practical and bureaucratic ones, such as the management of suppliers.

  • Market analysis, marketing and sales techniques;
  • Event organisation: all preparatory and management phases;
  • Different types of customers; the getting-to-know-you meeting; budgeting; the business plan;
  • Bureaucratic procedures to organise the wedding;
  • The location and working tools: the choice of services and suppliers, contracts;
  • Photographic services, decorations and floral arrangements;
  • Clothes, make-up, hairstyle;
  • Bon ton and etiquette;
  • Ceremony and Honeymoon;
  • Banqueting, mise en place, tableu mariage;
  • Different types of menu and service, the wedding cake;
  • The marriage of foreigners in Italy;
  • The new trends, the civil rite and 'symbolic' rites;
  • Wedding in the times of the web: initiatives and tools;
  • Self-image
  • The website; wedding and communication: from social media to the wedding blog;

Legislation module

The articles governing marriage
The legal nature of marriage
Marriage as a legal relationship
Civil unions
Marriage or civil union of an Italian abroad
Transcription of foreign marriage in Italy


The wedding planner must have a number of technical and character skills to perform his or her role to the best of his or her ability, in particular he or she must demonstrate
A good dose of diplomacy
Creativity and organisational skills
Resistance to stress and problem solving skills
Knowing how to be a team player

Private Certificate of Course Attendance
Certificate of Project Work
Internship certificate
Occupational Safety Course Certificate (Low Risk)



Possibility of financing;
CV video realisation;
Reworking and updating the CV for dissemination to companies in the sector at the end of the training course

Propaedeutic phase:


  • Study of preparatory texts provided by the European Tourism Institute;
  • 6-month English language course 'all you can learn' formula. If you already have at least a self-certified B2 level of English, you can choose another of the following languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian;
  • Safety at work course (Legislative Decree 81/08) on FAD platform for the duration of 8 hours of General Training + Low Risk, with relative issue of certificate.

Classroom phase:


  • 08 hours of online legislation
  • 24 hours of classroom lectures
  • Video-cv production
  • Project Work
  • Minimum 100 hours of internship
  • Reworking digital CVs
  • Country-wide dissemination of CVs and videos

Our lecturers

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Course details:
Maximum number of participants:

max. 20


24 hours+8 hours of online legislation


There will be a 100-hour internship period in agencies involved in the organisation of events, meetings and weddings, during which participants will be able to put into practice all the notions learnt during the classroom part.


Private Certificate of Course Attendance
Certificate of Project Work
Internship certificate
Certificate of the Occupational Safety Module (Low Risk)

Project work:

The trainees will be given the task of designing and organising a typical wedding event, starting with the analysis of all the aspects studied during the lessons and ending with the drafting of a report of the results.

The IET partners

Milan Sheraton logo

About us:

European Tourism Institute
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I decided to attend the Wedding Planner course because I have always been fascinated by it and when I read about your institute I clicked on 'more information' and was immediately contacted, I never thought it would work but a few months ago I started to study online and I am very excited about what awaits me.
Incredible experience, unparalleled professional and personal training.
I have just finished the wedding planner course that was held from 22/04/24 to 23/04/24 in the Turro area of Milan. On the first day, I was able to follow the course in the presence of the lecturer Angelo Garini, but on the other two days, due to health problems, I had to continue my training at home, with the lecturer Francesca Mastroleo.Apart from this personal setback, both lecturers were very good at explaining to us in detail how to embark on this new adventure in the world of wedding planners in the right way. A special thanks also goes to Dr. Stefania Grottola and Dr. Fracchiola Ilenia, who were always there for any information and problems.
I attended a course in Milan as a hotel consultant and I must say that it helped me a lot to see things from a different perspective on the one hand as well as to improve myself in some respects thanks to the valuable advice of the lecturers and the support of the tutor.
Very knowledgeable and helpful lecturers. Secretariat helpful and precise.
Prepared with comprehensive arguments. The practical test definitely the best and very much appreciated the feedback from the lecturer on the report.
An exceptional learning experience! The European Institute of Tourism's online Mystery Guest course exceeded all expectations: the teachers were competent and always ready to resolve doubts, the tutor was always present, the lessons were never boring and always engaging.Despite being online, I felt totally supported.Danilo, Luciano : you have given me all the tools to give the second half of my professional life a boost and for this I will always be grateful.Ilenia, thank you for your constant support and encouragement.Now it's my turn !!!!
Excellent experience, knowledgeable and thorough lecturers. Highly recommended
The course organised by IET that I attended in November in Milan far exceeded my expectations! Excellent organisation, very competent and friendly lecturers, it was a great experience.
Our lecturer Clara Trama is a fantastic person, clear in making us understand any subject from A to Z of anything, available to answer our strange questions from inexperienced people, in confrontation and in listening. In addition to transmitting the passion for this work, she transmitted her personality, enthusiasm, and the path to follow.
Superbly trained lecturers, utmost professionalism and courtesy.A special mention goes to the tutor Ilenia, always helpful kind and considerate
Teacher, Clara Trama 💯 doc, top organisation and tutor Ilenia Fracchiolla super helpful
Thank you all for your interest, from the very first moment! A unique experience that I hoped would not end so soon.Clara, she was magnificent! Ilenia a crazy support!
Wedding planner course. I can say that I found professionalism and helpfulness right from the start. I highly recommend this course for all those who want to start their own wedding planner business because it provides comprehensive information and advice, through diagrams, tests and examples, to be able to be independent right away. Although I did not have the opportunity, for work reasons, to attend in person, the live multimedia classroom with the other students in attendance did not create any discrepancies or doubts. Congratulations again to Grazie, Ilenia and Clara Trama and to all the new colleagues we met!
They were kind and helpful to us...very welcoming.
I attended the wedding planner training....ero very hesitant I did not know despite several phone calls the explanation what I was going to do I was really pleased!!! Intensive course without ever losing a moment's attention and having boring moments this is also thanks to Clara Trama teacher ..who put all her experience in our hands and trained us to become wedding planners ...charismatic woman, resolute, determined.My big thanks also go to Ilenia Fracchiolla tutor who followed me always present at every question I had and doubtful present with us at the course.I would also like to thank Angela Moretti...who believed in me from the very first call...urging me to participate despite my hesitation for personal reasons..... made me understand the true value of the course and how important it was for me to change my life. Many thanks to all the IET staff
Gratifying experience! Thank you
Trained and helpful lecturers both on a human and professional level!
I decided to attend the Hotel Consultant course offered by the European Institute of Tourism driven by a deep passion for the world of travel, the luxury and hotellerie sector, for the dynamism and personal and professional enrichment that this job profile could have given me, as well as to contribute to improving the quality of the Guest experience.All my expectations were met and exceeded. The full immersion course held in the effervescent city of Milan allowed me to deepen and analyse, from different perspectives, the true task of this professional figure. He is essential in helping the various companies in the sector and beyond, to run a winning business.The two lecturers, concrete examples of hotel consultants, are patient, knowledgeable, comprehensive, friendly, helpful and captivating, as they manage to keep the students' attention high, from start to finish. They take you by the hand and lead you into this exciting world, providing you with the tools and tricks of the trade.note of merit also goes to the tutor of us students, Ilenia, always very kind, attentive and caring.this is a course that will amaze you at every step, have no doubts and enter this magnificent universe thanks to IET!
Just finished and really understood what a mystery guest is! I really appreciated the professionalism and expertise of the staff, always present and supportive! Thanks to the lecturers for conveying such a complex and important profession in one week! Luciano, Danilo you have created little monsters! ;)What happens after the course? It will depend on ourselves! I can confirm that the EIT leaves you with all the preparation you need to get started!
Ilenia, the course tutor, very helpful and present at every stage of the course: from the sending of the first CV to the arrival in Milan, always available for any clarification or need.Professional and competent teachersInteresting course, very useful and in line with the programme on the website.
I attended a residential course to get tools and develop objective skills to assess the quality of hospitality in tourist facilities lasting 6 days full time. Well-prepared lecturers who gave us theoretical lessons enriched by role-plays and personal experiences from real experts in the sector. Attentive and very helpful tutors.
Professionalism, helpfulness and seriousness on the part of both lecturers and tutors. I highly recommend the course
I attended the wedding planner course last May; the lecturer was very well prepared and the organisation by the Institute impeccable. I thank everyone for their constant attention.
I attended the master's course in Hospitality management in April 2023. I found the course to be helpful and serious; very well-prepared lecturers. The material arrived on time as did the activation of the platforms that are provided within the training course. I also recommend the final internship to consolidate the skills acquired during the course.
The lecturer of the Wedding planner course was competent and helpful, she practically got us into what is the complicated but wonderful world of Wedding planners. I highly recommend attending this course because it also gives you the opportunity to follow an internship.I strongly recommend the European Institute of Tourism.
I attended the wedding planner course in May 2023. I felt constantly supported and motivated throughout the course by the very knowledgeable lecturer and the tutor.I would do IET again! I thank everyone for their constant attention.
Valuable training and growth experience on all points of view, both professional and human (although I had to due to work problems to follow the online course there was a lot of availability). Professors super prepared on all the dynamics of the world of work, up to date and with many ideas to treasure or to examine the various topics within the course from Mystery Guest.Advice that made me grow a lot myself, on points that I had not noticed in the past, but above all improved and gave added value to the growth of the structure that I manage (Hotel).I really thank everyone for this professional experience. 😃😃
I attended the travel blogger course. The topics covered were very interesting, the lecturers were always helpful and explained clearly. The course exceeded my expectations and the value for money is excellent. Finally, the lessons were online, a convenient option for those who work. I would recommend the option with a final internship, to finish the course by putting into practice what was learnt during the lessons.
I found the course I attended interesting. The lecturers were professional and empathetic. They involved each student without ever boring them. If I had to describe in a few words what I breathed, I would say "an air of humanity, professionalism and helpfulness" and harmony between the students.
Professionalism, helpfulness and excellent quality.The lecturers are very thorough and good at explaining everything. It was a wonderful experience, I highly recommend it Thank you very much ❤️ IET
A very interesting and instructive course. The lecturers are professional, competent and manage to involve all the students, thus creating enthusiasm and fellowship. They answer questions, keep the learners' attention and allow discussion between all participants. Very helpful tutors, they follow you step by step and help you by solving any difficulties one may encounter. Kindness, professionalism, humanity, availability and interest in the learners. A recommended experience!
Definitely interesting and very valuable course. Trained lecturers and great professionals. Tutors always attentive, very helpful and kind, who make themselves completely available to the students. Training for professional and personal growth as well as constructive comparison and improvement. Thank you IET!
I recently took a course, always so attentive to the needs of us students, lessons conducted with professionalism and accuracy. I will definitely sign up for another course.
An institute as professional as the professionals who run it and make it so. You cannot fail to rate everything as 5 stars, from the kindness to the helpfulness, the professionalism of the teachers and tutors, and the ease with which they teach the art of Hoapitality. My professional training will come through you again in the future, and I will recommend you to everyone! Thanks again!
Serious course, I really enjoyed the theory and very useful practical training. Very good lecturers and very well prepared. Thank you!
Ever since I did the Hotel Management course I have been working, both in Italy and abroad. I recommend to everyone who wants to start a career in the hotel industry
Professionalism to the max, availability and excellent quality. The lecturer was the ace in the hole. My experience was excellent. Thank you very much!
I attended the Mystery Guest course at the IET's coworking location: support for the work by the IET staff was fantastic, always super helpful, courteous and professional, the teaching staff prepared and interesting, I hope this investment will be substantiated because I really believe in it. congratulations final mark 1/10 --->8
Beautifully structured Wedding Planner course and the lecturer is amazing and super prepared. Top organisation.

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