Anna Pernice, travel blogger by profession, journalist, social media strategist and digital pr. Neapolitan, she moved to Milan. After a degree in Communication Sciences and years of work as a communication manager in a number of retail companies, in 2013 she founded her blog 'Travel Fashion Tips', now considered among the 40 most influential travel blogs in Italy. Anna's passion for travel and photography and her search for style lead her to travel the 80% of her time and discover and tell about unusual destinations. In her blog, she addresses young, medium-high-spending 30-somethings curious to discover the world without giving up comfort and gives advice not only on travel destinations, but also on restaurants and typical dishes and how to prepare the perfect suitcase. She has collaborated with major international tourism organisations and numerous airlines, has been hosted several times on radio and TV to talk about her work and interviewed by Sky TG 24, Tg Rai and magazines such as Vanity Fair, Corriere della Sera and Cosmopolitan. In 2016 she published her first book "Manuale per aspiranti blogger: crea emozioni con lo storytelling" published by Dario Flaccovio Editore, now on sale in the main bookshops in Italy in its second updated edition, in 2018 an audiobook on Naples published by Audible and in the coming months her travel book will be published by New Book Edizioni.

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