Training Course for Religious Tourism Operator

The religious tourism operator designs and organises routes and tourist itineraries with a religious character, thus proposing religious destinations that provide mystical occasions, alternating with food and wine and purely recreational experiences.

It manages the flow of pilgrims and tourists to places of interest, fully respecting the territory and local cultures and traditions, promoting experiences that provide the tourist with an introspective travel experience, as well as the local community with an opportunity for economic and cultural enhancement.

Who is it addressed to?

The religious tourism operator designs and organises routes and tourist itineraries with a religious character, thus proposing religious destinations that provide mystical occasions, alternating with food and wine and purely recreational experiences.

It manages the flow of pilgrims and tourists to places of interest, fully respecting the territory and local cultures and traditions, promoting experiences that provide the tourist with an introspective travel experience, as well as the local community with an opportunity for economic and cultural enhancement.

The programme

Teaching programme:

  • Fundamentals of religious tourism;
  • History of religions;
  • The concept of 'sustainable' religious tourism;
  • Market analysis and identification of territorial resources;
  • Analysis of the economic-environmental impact of religious tourism and flow management
  • The management of sanctuaries;
  • Territory analysis;
  • Welcoming tourists from the local community;
  • Principles of Destination Management;
  • Creation and design of tourist-religious itineraries and routes;
  • Strategies for territorial promotion in the religious sphere and promotion of tourism-strategic development plans.

The training project

Preparatory lessons:
- dispatch of texts
- course on safety at work
- 3-month online English course.
Classroom phase: 25 hours
Project work.
Company internship: 100 hours at companies in the sector chosen within the IET partner network


Veronica Giulietti
“Spa Manager da 10 anni con esperienza in Italia e all’estero. La sua filosofia è quella di unire il mondo dei centri benessere tradizionali con il mondo dell’olistico, creando un esperienza unica per l’ospite, in grado di stimolare i sensi e arrivare dritto al subconscio. Creare benessere e prendersi cura delle persone è sempre stata […]
Giulia Verzeletti
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