Online Master in Event Management, Communication and Sustainability

The Master's course enables you to become a professional in event organisation, specialising in communication and sustainability. Follow the professional training course organised by the European Tourism Institute to learn how to manage the planning of events tailored to the needs of the client. Strengthen your organisational and team management skills and start a successful career that will lead you to travel and interact with professionals and companies throughout Italy and abroad.

Who is it addressed to?

The Event Manager has the following skills:
Strong organisational and communication skills
Problem solving skills
Good knowledge of at least two foreign languages
Ability to communicate and relate in professional and multi-ethnic contexts
Knowledge of economic disciplines
Knowledge of administrative-accounting rules
Knowledge of the events industry
Aptitude for teamwork
Possession of a high school diploma

The programme

Event Management

  • Definition of an event
  • Various event types (MICE, corporate event, cultural, sports, incentive travel, team building, convention, medical congress, CME)
  • The creation of an event: the organisational phases, planning, realisation and management
  • Analysis of the client's brief - the three fundamental phases: Briefing, brief and de-brief
  • Economic and financial aspects: budgets, profit and loss account, budget planner and budget control
  • The site inspection
  • The relationship with suppliers
  • The relationship with customers: values, expectations, satisfaction criteria
  • The post-event: accounting and follow - up
  • Case Study Analysis


  • Events as a communication tool
  • The operational steps for creating a communication project
  • Advertising and social networking in the events sector: how to communicate an event, how to promote it, how to share it
  • Defining the creative concept: conventional and unconventional brochures and communication
  • Digital strategies - how to optimise content production
  • Case Study Analysis


  • Events as a tool for the seasonal adjustment of the tourist offer
  • The impact of events on the territory
  • Structure and organisation of a green event
  • Marketing and communication in sustainable events
  • Case Study Analysis

The training project

Propaedeutic phase:

Study of preparatory texts provided by the European Tourism Institute;
6-month English language course 'all you can learn' formula. If you already have at least a self-certified B2 level of English, you can choose another of the following languages: French, Spanish, German, Portuguese and Italian;

Classroom phase:

40 hours of lectures
Video-cv production
Project Work
Minimum 300 hours of internship
Digital CV editing
Country-wide dissemination of CVs and videos

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