Online Concierge Course

The course is aimed at those who wish to specialise in one of the most
dynamic and fundamental in the hospitality industry. The concierge officer represents the
beating heart of any luxury accommodation, acting as a reference point
indispensable to meet every guest's needs, from booking a restaurant
to planning exclusive tours. This role requires a unique set of skills,
including excellent communication skills, discretion, organisational skills and a deep
knowledge of the territory and luxury services.
Through online training, the course offers the flexibility needed to
learning and developing these fundamental skills, combining theoretical lessons with
real case studies. The training aims to prepare professionals able to anticipate and
exceed guests' expectations, ensuring an unforgettable experience. In a market
where service excellence is crucial to the success of prestigious hotels and facilities,
investment in a specific training course for conciergerie staff proves to be
The course is an extraordinary opportunity to acquire or perfect the
skills needed to excel in this field, opening doors to promising careers
in the world of high-end hospitality.

Who is it addressed to?

The course is aimed at those, with or without experience in the field, who wish to enter this profession with competence, professionalism and seriousness.

The programme

Educational Programme

Role Quality
What the Company asks of me
The customer: what added value can I give
The meaning of confidentiality
Hints on Emotions: how they guide us and
hinder relationships with others
Emotional management and stress
The importance of listening
The channels of human communication
Pitfalls in communication
Types of customer behaviour
Effective relationship: centrality, satisfaction and
customer loyalty
Telephone interview management (answering and
sequentiality of questions)
Handling objections and complaints

Legislation module

Classification of personnel (Art. 178)
Classification of hotel establishments (Art. 179)
Fixed-term contracts and companies in season (Art. 183)
Working hours

The training project

Study of preparatory texts provided by Istituto Europeo del Turismo;6-month English language course "all you can learn" formula. If you already have at least a self-certified level B2 in English, you can choose another of the following languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian
Safety at work course (Legislative Decree 81/08) on FAD platform for the duration of 8 hours of General Training + Low Risk, with relative issue of certificate.
40 hours + individual coaching meeting
Video-cv production
Counseling /Coaching meeting for each participant
Internship 100 hours
Digital CV editing
CV and video dissemination

Luciano Manunta
Hotel consultant and trainer. He has been working in the hotel tourism sector for over thirty years, dealing with Training and Communication Techniques. National President A.i.r.a - national association open to all professionals involved in Hospitality and Hospitality. Vice-President of 'Solidus'; Co-founder of 'Noi siamo il Turismo'. Founder of Hotel & Co and Ospitality Academy. Scientific Director of Ospitality.


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